Mittwoch, 11. September 2013

Face # 8 und # 9

Gesichter sind vergänglich.
Faces are impermanent.

Ich lasse diese Überlegung unkommentiert stehen.

I will leave this uncommented reflection.

Eure ErikA

7 Kommentare:

  1. In my painting happend the same thing today :-D

    I notice that the person was't just right place. I had to wash it away and tomorrow I try again. The composition is so important.

    Have You used the paletknife in this painting. It looks very fine.

  2. Love these pieces, Erika, as my grand-daughters are blessed to have red hair!

  3. Cool colors and textures! This is very pleasing to look at.

  4. You have fine colours in your paintings and a rough touch. I like that. Du hast feine Farben in deinen Bilder. Und ich mag ser "the rough touch", vielleicht kommt es davon dass du Palettenmesser anwendet hast.

  5. Beautiful textured painting. Love that red hair.

  6. I love the texture - beautiful work!
