Dienstag, 7. Januar 2014


Es ist wieder WOYWW-Zeit. Also Zeit um anzusehen, was sich auf meinem Arbeitsplatz so tut. Es ist noch nicht hell, der Tag scheint noch zu schlafen, jedenfalls hier im Dorf. So habe auch ich noch etwas Zeit, um langsam wach zu werden.

It is again WOYWW-time. Also time to see what is happening on my workstation. It is not yet brightly, the day seems to be still asleep, at least here in the village. So I also have some more time to be slow-awakening.

Für alle, die sich fragen, was das ist, WOYWW, klickt bitte auf das Logo unten und seht andere Arbeitsplätze und -tische.

Habt es fein, Ihr Lieben alle - und kommt gut in den Tag!


For those who are wondering what this is, WOYWW, click here and see other workplaces and tables.

Did it fine, dear ones all - and started well into the day!

Eure Erika

17 Kommentare:

  1. What a lovely spot to work in. I am loving your dolls to the side - what expressive faces they have! Schneefrau is my fav - although I have no idea what that means :) Shame DH is at work - he lived in Germany for years and can usually get the sense of it if not actually translate. But I love her.

    Happy WOYWW day!
    Mary Anne (3)

  2. I love your desk...I miss my window, but I shouldn't complain as my craft space is delicious now. Love your sketch, looking forward to seeing the end result. Happy WOYWW Cx #25

  3. The days here are so short at the mo that I think nature is enjoying many lie ins :-) I love your sketch.
    A x # 10

  4. your desk looks so tidy and just ready for you to sit at and get creative
    Have a great WOYWW today and enjoy the rest of your week
    Hugs Ria #6

  5. What a neat and tidy place to work!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #50

  6. You have a beautiful place to work at - the orange curtains are so cheerful. I hope that you can show us the finished page in your book next week!
    HUgs, LLJ 2 xx

  7. I love your space and the window ledge is wonderful! Great book there now get busy and fill it.
    Glenda #43

  8. Love the drawing in your journal, and your tiffany-style lamp is awesome!Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #93xx

  9. The winter days are slow to lighten aren't they. Am impressed that you make time to sit at your desk first thing in the morning, and I love the sketch..like a friendly phoenix.

  10. Your desk might be slow waking, but it looks so very peaceful and pristine. It's nice that you are able to sit at your desk each morning, even before the light of day. Happy WOYWW from #5.

  11. was für ein gemütlicher Platz Erika! da kann frau sich wohlfühlen beim Werkeln!

  12. What a beautiful spot to sit and create....very calming. Vikki #108

  13. What a wonderful way of putting it : the day is still asleep. It makes me feel so much better than it's still dark! Although with your lovely lights you've created a wonderful spot.

    Thank you so much for visiting and for your encouragement.
    Happy WOYWW,
    Rachel #8

  14. What a lovely and serene place to create! Maybe that's what I need to strive for.

    I'm slowly getting around to visiting desks.
    Happy WOYWW
    Peace, Kay (42)

  15. Beautiful drawing is it a pheonix? Looking forward to seeing it painted! Ali #102

  16. Your workdesk is in a beautiful situation ... the perfect place to start the day. Elizabeth (the very late WOYWWer) x #71
