Mein "geheimer Garten" ist heute eine Landschaft unter Wasser,
mit Seepferdchen und kleinen Geheimnissen.
My Secret Garden today is a landscape under water,
with seahorses and little secrets.

Ich liebe die Farben blau, türkis, violet und alle Schattierungen
dazwischen. Für mich sind es die perfekten Meeresfarben.
dazwischen. Für mich sind es die perfekten Meeresfarben.
Es gibt Meditationen, die das Bild einer Unterwasserlandschaft nutzen,
sozusagen als Eintritt in eine andere Welt. Dieses Bild ist ein kleiner
Versuch, diese Gedanken auf Papier zu bringen. Das Seepferdchen ist
ein altes Symbol für Anmut, Schutz und Friedfertigkeit.
sozusagen als Eintritt in eine andere Welt. Dieses Bild ist ein kleiner
Versuch, diese Gedanken auf Papier zu bringen. Das Seepferdchen ist
ein altes Symbol für Anmut, Schutz und Friedfertigkeit.
I am a lover of the the colors blue, turquoise, violet and all shades
in between. And I think that these are perfect ocean colors.
in between. And I think that these are perfect ocean colors.
There are meditations which use this image of an underwater
landscape, so to speak, as an entry into another world. This image
is a small attempt to bring these thoughts on paper. The sea horse is
an ancient Symbol for grace, protection and peacefulness.
landscape, so to speak, as an entry into another world. This image
is a small attempt to bring these thoughts on paper. The sea horse is
an ancient Symbol for grace, protection and peacefulness.

Das Bild habe ich fertig gemalt und es hat jetzt einen Namen.
Ich nenne es "Vergessen". Ich überlasse es Dir, lieber Betrachter,
zu entscheiden, was vergessen wurde ...
In seinem Kontext passt es gut zum Thema "geheime Gärten".
The picture I have painted now has a name. I call it "forget".
I leave it to you, dear viewer, to decide what is forgotten...
In its context, it fits well with the theme of "secret gardens".
Bitte besucht auch die vielen anderen wunderbaren Blogs, auf dem
Paint Party Friday Blog Es gibt dort, so viele wunderbare Künstlerinnen
und Künstler, die dort Ihre Werke hin verlinken.
Habt eine wunderbare Sommerzeit und seid wie immer
herzlich gegrüßt von ...
Please visit all the wonderful blogs and pictures, to see on the "Paint Party Friday art blog". A wonderful place
for wonderful and talented artists!
Have a wonderful time in this beautiful
season and be greeted warmly as always
for wonderful and talented artists!
Have a wonderful time in this beautiful
season and be greeted warmly as always
Eurer Erika
Very nice work and lots of action in your secret garden...wonderful colors!!
AntwortenLöschenHappy ppf!
Hugs Giggles
Lovely work Erika. Love ove the second one has so mch mystery.
AntwortenLöschenFabulous work!Happy PPF!
AntwortenLöschenI really love the underwater piece... such lovely clear colours...xx
AntwortenLöschenOh I like them both, your woman inside the underwater castle and your partial face in forget....xox
AntwortenLöschenLovely and magical underwater landscape!
AntwortenLöschenI love blues and turquoise, too!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art
Love the colors. Beautiful work!
AntwortenLöschenFabulous pieces - the sea one has lovely colours and a darling sea horse, but the 'Forget' painting does it for me. AWESOME. I LUV it :-)
AntwortenLöschenHappy PPF
IKE x #33
This is wonderful. Very nice colors.
AntwortenLöschenHave a very nice weekend
Beautiful colours in the ocean pic...and the Forget piece is nice too :)
AntwortenLöschenHPPF Erika!
beautiful secret garden! And there is a lot I forget on a daily basis, lol.
AntwortenLöschenlove your under the sea secret garden-lovely colors!!
AntwortenLöschenbeautiful, inspiring colours and creations. Thank you for sharing.
AntwortenLöschenWow Erika..what a fantastical post..I loved the meaning of the seahorse..I have an affinity for them since a child..your art is absolutely magical...speaks to my soul. Powerful energy...stunning and very deep and meditative! The color palette you use is my favorite I love all of those enchanting colors together..amazing! I also love the one called Forget...very healing..the viewer can allow it to take them to a a place within and let things be released..very beautiful! Thanks for taking me on many beautiful journeys today!
Very beautiful paintings today, I enjoyed the peacefulness that the secret garden invokes.
AntwortenLöschenBeautiful and interesting, symbolic painting. I liked to hear about backround of it.
AntwortenLöschenI am very interesting in mytologi. Thank You and Have a nice PPF.
I love your secret garden Erika... and the sea horse is fabulous... love too your gorgeous face peeking from the page... she is beautiful...
AntwortenLöschenJenny ♥
LOVE that second painting!
AntwortenLöschenBeautiful shades of blue and I love your seahorse! HPPF!
AntwortenLöschen"Forget" is great. I think she looks happy so what she forgot should stay forgotten! Love the sea garden, too.
AntwortenLöschenI love the ocean and the under water secret garden is wonderful. "forget" is a wonderful painting - I think everyone looking at it would have a different idea of what she has forgotten or is trying to forget.