Donnerstag, 18. April 2013

ChakrArt - VII Chakra

The VII. Chakra - Sahasrara
Today is time to present the 7th and last of the major chakras.
This chakra is also called 1000 petalled Lotus, because it is the highest
and most important chakra.
At this time is something more to do in the garden because
spring is finally here! - so it is less time for painting and designing.

Affirmations for this chakra are:
The essence of my spirit is light and peace.

I open myself to the infinite power and love of God.


 One more time to send a heartfelt thanks to Simona from

 ♥  Mille grazie, cara Simona ♥ 

Her workshop, ChakraArt is now finished, and I still like to ask you
one more time to visit her wonderful blog!
Thank you all for your wonderful comments on my chakra Images!
It means a lot to me!

Thanks also to the many wonderful artists who participate in

 the Paint Party Friday!

So many wonderful people with so many wonderful paintings!

I send you all love thoughts and many greetings   

your Erika 

7. Chakra - Crown Chakra - Sahasrara
Location: On top of the head
Color: Purple, white, gold
Gemstone: Amethyst, rock crystal, diamond
Topic: Enlightenment, spirituality, self-realization, union with the All-Being



29 Kommentare:

  1. Großartige Werke sind das, Erika.

    HPPF und schönes Wochenende

  2. These are beautiful I love the purple and surround myself with it's spiritual energy!! Well done!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. Beautiful spiritual work! Its lovely to see them all together.

  4. Ich habe deine Werke gesehen und ich wollte sofort meine auch fertig haben, so tolle Inspiration! und zusammen sehen ist ein Geschenk!
    Danke Erika!
    Schöne Wochenende!!

  5. Wonderful collection of inspring chakras!

  6. Marvelous to see all the chakras together! Love the glittering light! Happy PPF xox

  7. beautiful work. Happy PPF, Annette x

  8. really beautiful work. And I admire you for creating a project for each workshop. I followed along but won't do anything until a later time.Happy PPF!

  9. these beautiful designs are so peaceful and inspiring...flowery and light...opening to the spirit. Wonderful! happy PPF!

  10. Wow Deine Chakra-Art ist einfach umwwerfend! so wunderschön mit den Strahlen und dem goldenen Glitter! Deine anderen sind auch sooo schön anzusehen. Im moment habe ich glaube ich gerade meine Lila und Orange Phase, jedenfalls greife Ich so oft zu diesen Farben meine malen...was mich erinnert, dass ich ja auch noch ein paar Chakra Bilder malen will ;) Liebe Grüsse ♥ Conny

  11. beautiful! they seem to glow with color!

  12. Magnificently beautiful..spiritual essence is totally flowing..and i can feel the beauty shining here...such illumination and peace! Wonderful work..I love all of the chakras seen powerful and energizing and balancing too! I love the powerful connection of our chakra system and the amazing healing and energy we create and receive with them! Fabulous job..they are all totally blissful!
    HUgs and sparkles

  13. Sehr schön ist dein 7. chakra! Wunderbare Farben

    Ich war diese Woche auch im Garten, zum ersten mal in diesem Jahr. Schön wenn es anfängt zu spriessen!

    Liebe Erika, ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende, hoffentlich mit viel Sonne.
    Herzliche Grüsse Ilona

  14. I absolutely love your chakra art. Thank you for sharing and thank you chakra journey.

  15. Such beautiful and radiant energy in this chakra art. I always feel elevated when I come to your blog and see these lovely pieces.

  16. when you see them together they make a wonderful group... you got a lot out of the workshop...xx

  17. I really like all of these. Magnificent

  18. I don't know much about chakras, but I love the color you used here, purple is one of my all time favorite colors :oD

  19. Deine chakra-art ist wunderschoen, Erika - gefaellt mir ausnehmend gut.
    Ach ja, der Garten - da halte ich mich gerade auch sehr viel auf. Ich freue mich fuer Euch, dass der Fruehling nun endlich auch bei Euch eingekehrt ist, er hat ja lang genug auf sich warten lassen. Viel Freude bei der Gartenarbeit!

  20. Beautiful ,beautiful art work. Luminous, brilliant and enchanting.The way you made the purple colour flow and added the glitter in one specific spot is totally perfect : ) I adore your chakra art.

  21. Great chakra paintings! I still have one to go. :)

  22. Thanks to you, Erika!
    This last piece is soooo powerful! I can feel its energy flowing.
    I have pinned all your aerworks on Pinterest! Check out the tag #chakrart. :)

  23. Erika your chakra's are wonderful. I really like the sparkly light effect. Did you use masking fluid?

  24. I love the energy that radiates from all these marvelous pieces. Blessings!

  25. Gorgeous chakra work! I love the tiny glitters (?) too! Happy ppf :)

  26. wunderschön, deine Chakra-Bilder!
    lg chris
